Bookflip Backdrop Design

My In-laws are pretty crafty. Not sneaky, but talented with making crafty items. Like birdhouses, lighthouse bird feeders, turned pens and other cute items like that.

They’re also inclined to take up odd business ventures, like hot dog carts, vending machine routes and other interesting things.

The latest venture is selling “bookflips”. I admit that I constantly use the one they gave me. Its a cool little bookmark device that sticks into the book so you don’t lose it.

Here’s the backdrop I designed for their craft booth:

It’s a little bolder than the stock version they receive and I find it to be simpler and more direct to understand.

If you see this backdrop out there in the crafting circuit - say “hi” to Don and Jean for me!


About Joseph R. B. Taylor

Joseph R. B. Taylor is a humble designer/developer who makes stuff for screens of all shapes and sizes. He is currently the lead UI/UX Architect at MScience, LLC, where he works to create simple experiences on top of large rich datasets for their customers and clients.