Adding an email address to a client's Constant Contact account

I work with alot of Realtors. For some this might seem scary. I take it in stride. I was a Realtor once. I guess I still am technically though I haven’t practiced in quite a few years.  At any rate, sometimes these Realtors use Constant Contact for their email marketing and it’s a good system.  If I have to add an email address to their account when someone fills in a contact form etc on their website, here’s the code I use: 

This example uses PHP and it’s wondeful cURL library to silently insert an email address into the client’s mailing list.

$url = '';
$post_values = 'm=c=0123456789&p=oi&ea=' . $email;
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_values);
$html = curl_exec ($ch);
//echo $html;
curl_close ($ch);

Pretty simple indeed!

About Joseph R. B. Taylor

Joseph R. B. Taylor is a humble designer/developer who makes stuff for screens of all shapes and sizes. He is currently the lead UI/UX Architect at MScience, LLC, where he works to create simple experiences on top of large rich datasets for their customers and clients.