Portfolio: Haunted Inc.

Haunted, Inc. Homepage Design

Haunted, Inc. Movie Synopsis Page

Haunted, Inc. Cast and Crew Page
Launched in October, 2010
New website for the feature film, Haunted, Inc.
Technologies Used
HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, RSS, PHP, Picasa, Blogger, Vimeo
The Client said
“...This website looks so f**king great. I was just checking it out online and everything just looks so professional and slick and has all come together. You have a knack for thinking what designs and choices best fit what the viewer wants and a your anticipation of these needs make going onto the site a much more pleasant experience.
I know this sounds like a lot of hot air. But, just know that you have mad skills. We have gotten a plethora (Three Amigos word, there) of people complimenting the website and the whole web experience. I also appreciate how you knew we wanted as much control as possible of the site and built around existing sites (blogspot, vimeo, picasa) to make that happen..”